Students in Action

Student Publications

Berg, A., Prieve, B., Serpanos, Y and Wheaton, M. (2011).  Hearing screening in a well-baby nursery: Profile of failed auditory brainstem response/passed otoacoustic emissions.  Pediatrics. 127(2): 269-75.

Prieve, B.A., Hancur-Bucco, C., and Preston, J. (2009).  Transient-evoked otoacoustic emissions in the first month of life:  Frequency changes and debris.  Ear and Hearing, 30,330-339.

Prieve, B.A., Calandruccio, L., Fitzgerald, T., Georgantas, L. and Mazevski, A. (2008).  Changes in transient-evoked otoacoustic emission levels with negative tympanometric peak pressure in infants and toddlers.  Ear and Hearing, 29, 533-542.

Calandruccio, L., Fitzgerald, T., and Prieve, B. (2006).  Normative multifrequency tympanometry in infants and toddlers. Journal of the American Acadamy of Audiology, 17, 470-480.

Fitzgerald, T. and Prieve, B. (2005).  Detection of hearing loss using 2f1-f2 and 2f2-f1 distortion-product otoacoustic emissions.  Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 48, 1165-1186.

Student Presentations

Two adults standing in front of a research poster.


Wheaton, M.A., Prieve, B., Long, G., Talmadge, C. and Thomas, L. (2012).  Fine structure of distortion product otoacoustic emissions in newborns, infants and adults.  Midwinter meeting, Association for Research in Otolaryngology.

Wheaton, M.A., Prieve, B. and Fitzgerald, T.S. (2011). Longitudinal Measures of SOAEs in Infants and Adults.  American Academy of Audiology.

AlMakadma, H. and Prieve, B. (2011). Clinical Criteria DP-gram Template Consistency Across DPOAE Measurement Equipment. American Auditory Society.  (NIH-sponsored student travel award for H.A.).

Prieve, B, and Preston, J. (2010).  Human Developmental Changes in TEOAE, DPOAE and WBR.  American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.

Prieve, B., Thomas L., Long G., and Talmadge, C. (2009). DPOAE generator and reflection component in adult ears with sensorineural hearing loss.  AAA Academy Research Conference on OAEs.

Lahtinen, L. and Prieve, B. (2006).  The effect of contralateral acoustic stimulation on DPOAE generator and reflection components.  American Auditory Society and Mayfest, Syracuse University.

Calandruccio, L. and Prieve, B. (2005).  Normative multifrequency tympanometry in infants and toddlers.  American Academy of Audiology.